The multiplier event of OER-Codex was closely linked to the GeNeMe conference (eng. Communities in New Media), which takes place every year under the auspices of Dresden universities. The conference facilitates the exchange of experience and knowledge between participants from different disciplines, companies and institutions as a place for transdisciplinary discourse between science, business, organizations and administration. In 2022, the focus was on integrating Face2Face and online formats to further develop the field of hybrid and blended learning. As part of the pre-conference, OER-Codex cooperated with the project “virTUos”, which promotes virtual teaching and learning at the TU Dresden in an open-source context. Participants of the multiplier event had the opportunity to see and discuss the results of the BarCamp on “Networked and Digitized – Collaborative Teaching and Learning”, organized by the virTUos subproject DikoLint. 

During the main conference, Valerij Dermol, member of the OER Codex Consortium in Slovenia, together with other experts in the field, discussed the benefits and challenges of OER and ways to lower the acceptance barrier for new learning technologies in higher education institutions. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop, Professor of Information Management at TU Dresden and expert in online collaborative learning, learning analytics and data-driven formative assessment.

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