Lesson 2: Modifying and creating OER


In this lesson, we will provide information and examples related to the production process of open educational resources, and the aspects to reconsider when selecting a tool for OER creation or modification. As well, you will find a list of recommended tools that can be used when creating OERs either individually or collaboratively, and, quality criteria that will help to assess the selected OER or the one that you are going to create.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

·        identify the five main steps of the OER production process.
·        select a tool that supports collaborative OER creation and/or modification.
·        identify and assess the quality of a particular OER.


Atenas, J. and Havemann, Leo (2014) Questions of quality in repositories of open educational resources: a literature review. Research in Learning Technology 22, p. 20889. ISSN 2156-7077. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v22.20889 

Elder, A. (2017) How to find and evaluate OER. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbwuMQM-NG8

Georgia State University Library (2018). Finding, using and creating OERs. In Open Educational Resources. 

Meinke, B., & University of Hawaii (2017). An OER Production Workflow for Faculty. https://oer.hawaii.edu/an-oer-production-workflow-for-faculty/ 

Open Science (2021). How to Account for the Quality of OER? https://avointiede.fi/en/open-science-expert-panels/open-education/how-account-quality-oer 

Open Science (2022). How to Account for the Accessibility of OER? https://avointiede.fi/en/open-science-expert-panels/open-education/how-account-accessibility-oer 

Wiley, D. (2013). On quality and OER. https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/2947  Žvinienė, V., Šadauskas, M., & Volungevičienė, A. (n.d.) ICT tool to develop and adapt OER [online training material]. https://moodle.liedm.net/mod/book/view.php?id=1518 This work by Vida Žvinienė, Marius Šadauskas, Airina Volungevičienė, during OpenProf Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.