Repositories for OER Search

There are different types of repositories that store open content and collections of OERs. We selected some of the repositories where you can find multiple resources that are free and can be used as they are adapted and remixed, thus, can be used and/or re-used for your own needs.

Repositories provided below are adapted from the chapter “Repositories and Search Tools” in “The OER Starter Kit” by Elder (2019)[1].

Search tools 

TitleWebsiteShort description
OASIS federated search tool designed to streamline the process of finding open content. At present, it scours through 115 diverse sources, aggregating a total of 440,380 records for your convenience.
MERLOT federated search tool, widely renowned as a prominent hub for discovering and exchanging educational resources, offers a vast array of teaching materials. It’s important to note that not all materials are openly accessible. To locate resources with Creative Commons licenses, utilize the advanced search feature.
The Mason OER Metafinder federated search tool provides an extensive collection of open content, encompassing open-access books and articles, documents in the public domain, and open educational resources (OER).
IOWA University library of OERs by subjects
STARTME startpage with an extended list of OERs

[1]  The OER Starter Kit Copyright © 2019 by Abbey K. Elder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


TitleWebsiteShort description
OpenStax provider. Offering free, open-source, peer-reviewed, high-quality textbooks. Widely respected and one of the best resources for open textbooks.
Open Textbook Library collection. Hundreds of complete, open college-level textbooks.
Galileo provider. Open textbooks created within the University System of Georgia. 
WikiBooks The Wikipedia of open textbook creation.
BC Campus Open Ed collection. Over 100 high-quality college-level open textbooks
Open knowledge repository Wide variety of materials (books, reports, journals, etc.) related to developing countries.
EdTech Books textbooks and journals by industry-leading professors and other experts
The Economics Network links to resources suitable for studying economics, such as online textbooks, slides, simulations, videos, and exam papers. You have the option to navigate through these materials by category or within specific sub-disciplines.


TitleWebsiteShort description
Directory of open-access books, peer-reviewed books
Project Gutenberg
Planet books
Athabasca University Press, peer-reviewed books

Multimedia and images

TitleWebsiteShort description
Internet archives non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Unsplash images.
Pexels stock images, photos and videos shared by creators
Pixabay quality free images, videos and music shared by community members.
Smithsonian Open access Images access images all under the public domain (CC0 license).
Open Culture
Free movies
OPEN Open Professionals Education Network (OPEN) provides links to excellent places to search for music and audio, images, and videos.
CC Search collection portal to find content one can share, use and remix (video, music, images, 3D models). 


Please check the list of complete courses that are free of charge. You can choose to take the entire course, some specific topics, or check assignments or reading materials only. As well, don’t forget to check the license of the course, since it might allow you to use course content by redesigning or modifying it for your personal teaching and learning needs.

TitleWebsiteShort description
MERLOT, units, and more. This repository is one of the biggest and more famous places to find and share teaching resources. Not all materials are open – use the advanced search tool to find materials by CC license
Open education consortium An independent search engine that indexes open education classes from places like MIT, Yale, UMass, Saylor, and more. Also searches MERLOT.
OpenLearn by the Open University. Units or mini-courses with readings and activities. All learning resources are CC licensed.
Open Course Library Includes 81 of WA state’s highest enrollment courses. Complete courses include syllabi, activities, readings, and assessments designed by teams of faculty, instructional designers, and librarians.
OER Commons, units, lessons, etc. This directory can link you to a variety of OER for a variety of subjects. Includes materials at all levels
OpenLearn Create an innovative leading open educational platform where individuals and organisations can publish their open content, open courses, and resources. It is Moodle-based and has tools for collaboration, reuse, and remixing.
Analyse at least 3 search tools and repositories, using different keywords for finding openly licensed resources. Have you found any relevant resources that you hadn’t found before?