Finding and Selecting OER

So, you already understood what OERs are, how they can be used to support your teaching and challenges should be reconsidered when using or creating OERs. Are you wondering where you can find OERs that you could use in your classes?

In this chapter, we share a list of repositories where you can find a list of different OERs that can be used. As well, we share other online sources or initiatives that might help you to search for OERs to be used or re-used.

There is a step-by-step strategy for OERs search suggested by Hutchings (2023), where 4 steps are introduced and described to help teachers find OERs and incorporate them into the teaching and learning curriculum. If you want to have a more in-depth understanding of this search strategy, please check a more detailed explanation of each step on the Library Consortium website of the University of Alaska Anchorage and Alaska Pacific University.

Fig. 3. Step-by-step OER search strategy (based on Hutchings, 2022. This work by D’Arcy Hutchings is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License).
Explore this infographic as an introductory guide on how to search for Open Educational Resources

When looking for a relevant and suitable OER that can be used for teaching and learning, it is not enough to know the major repositories. It is also important to identify sets of OER that might be useful when searching for OERs. This structured information, including all relevant and useful references, is presented in “The OER Implementation Collection” (link below).

Explore Module 3 “Where can I find High-Quality OER?that is part of the online course “The OER Implementation Collection”. This module will provide you withinformation on where to look for quality OER and how to identify OER that may be relevant for courses that you teach.

Edler (2019) emphasizes the importance of critical and reflective thinking while searching for OERs, reminding us that it is important to review resources for fit, currency, and accessibility, and reflect on the materials that were located.

Read. Please read the chapter “Finding Open Content” by Edler (2019) where you will find recommended templates and worksheets to support you with a more guided approach when searching for OERs.
Question for self-reflection Does the OER that you need already exist? What search strategies you use when searching for OERs?

Finally, please watch this video with recommendations on how to locate and evaluate OERs for use in classes: How to find and evaluate OER?

License: video by Abbey Elder is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 International license