Digital Resources

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Authors: dr. Giedrė Tamoliūnė, prof. dr. Aušra Rutkienė, Indrė Oleškevičienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania).

Background information

Welcome to a self-paced course “Digital Resources”, which is part of a Cluster “Open Educational Resources for Collaborative Learning”.

Please note, that this course is currently in the piloting phase and will be updated and finalized after the piloting is finished.


Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible teaching and learning materials that are openly licensed for use and adaptation. In higher education, OER encompasses a wide range of resources such as textbooks, lecture notes, videos, and interactive simulations, which can be readily accessed online. These resources empower educators to provide cost-effective and customizable learning materials, promoting accessibility, collaboration, and innovation in the academic environment. Next, they enable diverse students to engage actively in shared knowledge creation and foster students’ critical thinking.

How OERs may support or foster collaborative learning?

Firstly, they allow educators to easily share and customize learning materials, promoting collaborative curriculum development and alignment with specific learning objectives. Next, OERs facilitate student collaboration by providing a shared platform for accessing resources, enhancing peer-to-peer learning, and enabling collective exploration and discussion of course materials. Finally, with open access to a wealth of diverse OER, collaborative learning transcends geographical and financial barriers, encouraging global participation and exchanging ideas among students and educators.

This course follows the „OER-CODEX Methodology guidelines on the implementation of OER online collaborative learning courses“ developed as one of the intellectual outcomes of the Erasmus+ project OER-Codex.

Training material follows the elements of the DigCompEdu framework Area 2 – Digital Resources, aiming to qualify HE teachers as integrators who can enhance diverse aspects of their teaching practices with online collaborative learning methods in the context of blended learning engagement in higher education.

Course structure

How to conduct the course

Aim of the course

The aim of this course is to introduce higher education teachers to how to select, create, manage, protect, and share digital resources in the context of online collaborative learning.

Course-specific objectives

  • introduce the value of OER to support teaching and learning.
  • Introduce different search strategies for selecting openly licensed educational resources.
  • explain the principles of the assessment of the quality of a particular OER.
  • enhance teachers’ digital competence to produce OERs by introducing the five main steps of the OER production process.
  • discuss and explain the fundamental role of copyright and open licensing principles.
  • empower teachers to assign Creative Commons licenses to self-created or collaborative resources by describing the four different Creative Commons License components and six licenses.

Final collaborative assignment

Collaboration and course community

We invite you to join the course community by using a course forum that will help you to collaborate with other course participants, share ideas, and keep updated with the course and assignment progress.

Target group



Two types of certificates can be issued to course participants:

A certificate of attendance will be issued to learners who complete the course’s final quiz (with at least 80 % of possible points).

A certificate of achievement will be issued for learners who complete the quiz and submit the collaborative assignment in the form of OER, that meets the formal assessment criteria.